20L – Insect frass organic fertilizer (insect droppings, insect frass)
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Insect natural organic fertilizer 20L / 6,9kg
Insect organic fertilizer is a balanced fertilizer and biostimulant for use in the seasoning, vegetative phase and in flowering plants. It is made from exoskeletons and flour excrement and is a great natural alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Insect droppings are full of beneficial microbial organisms and chitin - a substance that elevates it above other fertilizers. Chitin stimulates the plant's defenses, which leads to increased resistance to pests, diseases and fungi. It supplements the population of microbes and increases yields at harvest. Chitin helps the plant stimulate terpenes, flavinoids and amino acids.
Advantages of our organic fertilizer:
- 100% pure organic matter / 100% insect droppings
- increase the overall vitality of the plant, the colors will be fuller, the shoots more mature
- the plants absorb nutrients easily and quickly and the possibility of over-fertilization is eliminated
- the fertilizer decomposes perfectly, does not clog and does not salt the substrate
- accelerates the formation of the root system and a healthy microbiological environment in the substrate
- increases the resistance of plants to stress, pests, bacteria and fungi.
- it will completely rid you of aphids and moths into two waterings
- it will also rid you of other pests such as woodpecker, lobsters and angiosperms
- has a neutral PH and is odorless
The release of nutrients occurs gradually and over a long period of time. Thanks to the use of Czech natural organic fertilizer, the thermal and air properties of the soil and the soil structure are improved. All this leads to good rooting of the plants. It ensures biological life in the soil, increases the proportion of humus and contributes to greater fertility.
Registration and analysis of fertilizers HERE
Organic fertilizer - scope and method of its use
The fertilizer can be used by mixing with soil, dusting or watering.
Mixing with soil
About 1-5% fertilizer in the soil. Mix 250 ml (cup) of fertilizer with 30 liters of soil (cube with an edge of 31m). It is possible to add more fertilizer according to preferences. With a stronger concentration, you will not burn the flowers, but it is not sensible to fertilize more than the crop from the second or third track is needed.
Surface application for fruit vegetables and lawns
2-6 liters of fertilizer per 100 m2 of area. Sprinkle around the plants or directly on the lawns and water thoroughly. Do not sprinkle on the edible parts of the plants (lettuce leaves, etc. - it is harder to rinse the healing from the leaves).
Pour a pinch of fertilizer (0.3 ml) over the roots of the transplanted plant to support its growth, or mix with the soil before transplanting. Fill with water.
Topping - k fangs, boxes, fruit trees and shrubs
Add 4 teaspoons of fertilizer to 4 liters of water (1 teaspoon of fertilizer / 5ml per liter of water). Stir and let stand for 30 minutes. Apply with a teapot and do not water the edible parts of the plants (lettuce leaves, etc.).
Root dressing - insect tea
Use 250 ml of fertilizer per 60 liters of water. Leach the fertilizer using aquarium aeration for 24-72 hours to achieve mushroom insect tea. Use the lye as a root bay. You can use the remaining leachate from the leach bags as a surface fertilizer.
The fertilizer must not be applied to the edible parts of the plants. Do not pour it on salad leaves, for example
Fertilizer under a microscope
Disposal: Use unusable fertilizer residues for fertilization or composting.
Storage : Store the fertilizer in a dry place.
Recommended custom articles
- Dividing plants according to their fertilization requirements
- Plant nutrition and manifestations of deficiencies in plant nutrition
- Fertilization of houseplants
- Fertilizing herbs
- Fertilizing lawns
Recommended external links:
- What is an organic fertilizer
- Organic fertilizer - higher yields
- How not to fertilize it with fertilizer
- Garden fertilizer guide - what and how
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Zahrada je zrcadlem péče a lásky, kterou jí věnujeme. Naše hnojiva jsou klíčem k zajištění, že vaše rostliny dostanou to nejlepší pro svůj růst a zdraví.
✅ Přírodní složení: Naše hnojiva jsou vytvořena z přírodních ingrediencí, které zajišťují, že vaše rostliny dostanou všechny potřebné živiny bez chemikálií.
✅ Pro všechny typy rostlin: Ať už máte květiny, zeleninu či ovoce, naše hnojiva jsou vhodná pro všechny typy rostlin, aby rozkvétaly v plné kráse.
✅ Dlouhodobé účinky: Naše hnojiva zajišťují postupné a dlouhotrvající uvolňování živin, což znamená, že vaše rostliny budou mít stálý přísun potřebných látek.
✅ Snadná aplikace: Ať už jste začátečník nebo zkušený zahradník, naše hnojiva jsou snadno použitelná s jasnými pokyny pro optimální výsledky.
✅ Eko-friendly: Vážíme si naší planety! Naše hnojiva jsou ekologicky šetrná a podporují udržitelný růst vaší zahrady.
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